Blog ini cuma sebuah laku bacalah, bukan bacakanlah.

Sebab bisikan selalu jatuh lembut di telinga, tak seperti teriak yang menghantam pekak.
Tidak seperti gema yang menggelantah dengan dobrakan gelora, melainkan lebih ingin gaungnya pribadi dan dadi abadi.
Untuk disimpan di dalam batin, bagai bersemedi di dalam nadi.

Makna bersembunyi pada selumbar-selumbar semantik, pada pendar-pendar punktuasi. Walaupun ia akan dijumpai bilamana dicari.

September 12, 2009

while fall calls

Fool, do you think anyone’s born either as or to be cynical?

Blame society for its cruel
Blame those untrusted human beings
Blame packs of pseudo-friend about sharing some reciprocal intimacies

Blame civilized system which causes irritation in all aspect of fundamental gratification
Blame the victory of competing who has the biggest ego

Blame morons who are unable to see harmony of diversity
Blame stupidity of seniority

Blame big town that has cut e v er y th i ng

Blame Stuttgart ;
for snatchingstealing
for takingtearing
from me
my solely radiance

For its cruel has successfully ruined me
For now I feel just empty

*blame few shots I've drunk.

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